Deep Grace or What I Know Today

What I know is that in a moment of sadness today when I asked for genuine words of love and assurance, they were given without hesitation, and my heart filled.

What I know is that when I was surrounded by Blues, two acts of spontaneous love and generosity and “uplift” from the outside pierced the Blues and said, “Excuse me, but we’re going to take her back with us now,” and helped me to a lighter place.

What I know is that my son is a very big part of the reason I am here on this planet.

What I know is that all love eventually becomes help (Paul Tillich via Elizabeth Gilbert):

Love = Grace = Help.

What I know is that we are part of a bigger something. Connected. Grace-filled. And to quote the extraordinary playwright and human being Lauren Gunderson:

“You may not know how you might matter to people right now, and you cannot know how you will matter in the future. But you are already connected – and you already matter.” (Margaret from Silent Sky)

Thank you for being, for loving, for helping. We are all in this together. It all matters.