
Okay, I’m captivated by this:

I saw it 2 days ago and can’t stop thinking about it. Mostly the word and the definition, but also the whole image created, the whole presentation of this marvelous word.

I’ve long known of Jason and the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece and Medea, but I don’t think I’ve ever really considered what a non-Jason-related argonaut is.

I think maybe I want to be an argonaut.

I don’t want to do anything physically dangerous, I don’t mean that. But I read this as a person in quest of vulnerability, knowing that there may be some hurt that comes from that vulnerability, from opening your heart, from trying something new, from going to an unknown place, from being an adventurer in new territories of your life: and knowing that it is and will be so rewarding.

Yes, I want to be an argonaut.

Let’s see. Let’s go find it. Let’s go seeking. Let’s live fully.

Let’s be argonauts together.

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